August 11, 2010


Willie Green of the Philadelphia
76ers takes a jumper.
Willie Green of the Philadelphia 76ers said it was a life-changing moment and it help him open his eyes on what the real world is all about. Green was referring to his completed trip in Dakar, Senegal as part of Basketball without Borders Africa. The trip made him appreciate life more in its true meaning, according to Philadelphia Daily News. Green together with other NBA players and coaches conducted community outreach events and activities in Dakar. It was one truly humbling experience for the seven-year pro.

“We just finished delivering malaria nets to houses in the community. Malaria is a serious killer here of young children and mothers. So anything we can do to help . . . It's just so sad to see so many infected by something that we in America know little about.

“"It really makes you appreciate the style of living that we are able to have in being fortunate enough to play basketball for a living. Waking up and playing basketball is our way of life, and it affords us a very good life. Being here [in Africa] so makes you appreciate the things we have, the things we love. It really brings you back to reality.

“Seeing the kids here, their faces and eyes light up when they see players from the NBA. Here we are, thousands of miles away from the U.S., and they are so happy to see us up close, to give us a handshake, to give us a hug. For the kids, it's a great experience for them, something they will always remember. But it's the same for us, maybe even more so. This is an experience that I, and the other players here, will certainly never forget.

“Like the U.S., the social structure consists of different levels. You have some upper- and middle-class people, but there are a ton of less fortunate people, too. But no matter their social status, the people are all the same in the respect that they are all so nice. They are all genuinely warm and caring and giving. Everyone looks out for the little kids, but everyone also watches out for each other. They all seem to have open arms for each other.”

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