August 31, 2010


Team Lithuania
If anyone thinks that the Philippines is the only country in the World where basketball is considered a religion, think again. Maurizio Gherardini, managing director of Team Canada in the ongoing FIBA World Championships in Turkey, said that basketball is the most important thing in Lithuania, according to The former Soviet Socialist Republic treats the hoops game not only a sport but a philosophy in life as well and they believe that it’s the only way to present themselves to the rest of the world.

“Basketball is the most important thing in Lithuania, more than anything else. Basketball is not only the sport, basketball is life philosophy, it’s religion. They are all basketball people, they know the game, they are all coaches, they are all players, you feel and smell basketball everywhere. So every time you have an international competition, you have thousands of Lithuanians coming, wherever the competition is. It’s not just sport . . . it’s a country that found a way to present itself to the rest of the world from it.

“The one thing that you’re shocked about going to Lithuania is how much basketball is part of everyone’s life and how much they really found in basketball a way to express their pride, the way to express their values. You can imagine how crazy it will be next year when they play the European championships on their own court.”

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